Wednesday, May 19, 2010


貌 似很坚强,其实比谁都要脆弱;貌似很开心,可是笑容背后的哀 伤谁又能懂呢?

其实很多时候,这一类人都是在自我折磨。明明很爱很爱对方, 却宁愿心痛的死掉,也选择放手。然后转身离开,任眼泪随意放 肆。

其实很多时候,这一类人很好懂。她们很害怕孤单,因为一个 人的时候,她们会胡思乱想,她们会想起那个没有结局的故 事,会想起那个模糊却又清晰的脸庞;因为一个人的时候, 她们会觉得很没安全感。她们的要求总是那么的低,只要爱着的 那个人陪着她们就好。

其实很多时候,这种女人都很敏感,都很容易猜疑。一个眼神、 一个动作,都会让她们神经兮兮一整天。所以不要让她们恐慌, 不要让她们伤心,如果爱她们。

其实很多时候,这一类女人都在感伤。不是她们多愁善感,只 是容易触景生情罢了。她们喜欢用文字来刻画她们的心情,这也 是她们的一种寄托方式。

其实很多时候,这一类人都处在矛盾之中,是继续,还是暂停; 是放弃,还是坚持。看似感性的她们,却往往于最后让理性驾驭 整个思维。

其实很多时候,这种女人害怕看见别人的甜蜜,不是嫉妒,只 是会觉得和以前的自己好像。然后会陷入整个回忆,待过往 的疼痛唤醒自己的意识,再一个人慢慢舔舐自己的伤口。

其实很多时候,这种女人都很执著,有时候不明白她们在坚持 着什么。她们是在期待那个没有结局的故事的结局还是在等 待更大的伤害?她们就是傻,爱上了,就会像个洋娃娃,任意被 摆弄。

这种女人,缺点太多,脾气太臭。有点任性,而且敏感多疑。 所以要么不要靠近她们,要么就用真心对待她们。因为她们的心 脆的,很伤不起。

Friday, May 7, 2010

U b3long wiTh m3

You're on the phone with your girlfriend,she's upset.
She's going off about something that you said.
'Cuz she doesn't, get your humor like I do...
I'm in the room,it's a typical Tuesday night.
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like.
and she'll never know your story like i do.

But she wears short skirts.
I wear T-shirts.
She's cheer captain.
And I'm on the bleachers.
Dreaming about the day when you wake up.
And find what you're looking for.
has been here the whole time.
If you could see that I'm the one who understands you.
been here all along so why can't you see,you.
You belong with me.
You belong with me.

Walk in' the streets with you and your worn-out jeans.
I can't help thinking this is how i tough to be.
Laughing on a park bench,thinking to myself.
Hey isn't this easy.
And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town.
I haven't seen it in awhile since she brought you down.
You say you're fine.
I know you better then that.
Hey what cha doing with a girl like that.
She wears high heels.
I wear sneakers.
She's cheer captain and
I'm on the bleachers.
Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find
That what you're looking for
has been here the whole time.
If you could see that I'm the one who understands you.
Been here all along so why can't you see.
You belong with me.
Standing by and waiting at your back door.
all this time how could you not know.
You belong with me.
You belong with me.

I remember you drivin' to my house.
in the middle of the night.
I'm the one who makes you laugh.
When you know you're about to cry.
And i know your favorite songs.
And you tell me about your dreams.
Think I know where you belong.
Think I know it's with me...

Can't you see that I'm the one who understands you.
Been here all along.
So why can't you see.
You belong with me.
Standing by and waiting at your back door.
All this time.
How could you not know.
Baby you belong with me.
You belong with me.
You belong with me.
Have you ever thought just may be.
you belong with me.
You belong with me...